Review of options for 174-230 MHz

In 2013, the spectrum between 174–230 MHz (formally known as ‘Band III’) became available for use. In 2016 we consulted with industry on options of use for this band.


In 2013, the spectrum between 174–230 MHz (formally known as ‘Band III’) became available for use. This was due to New Zealand switching from analogue to digital television broadcasting. In 2016 we consulted with industry on options of use for this band. We received several submissions that we considered before deciding the outcome for this band.

Discussion document

Options for 174 – 230 MHz: Consultation Document [PDF, 337 KB]

Submissions received

Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday, 27 May 2016. We received 21 submissions, which we considered before deciding the outcome for this band.

Note: One submission has been withheld at the request of the submitter.