1700-2300 MHz Band Planning

The management rights (MR) for the 1700-2300 MHz band expire on 31 March 2021. In 2020, RSM consulted industry on re-planning options for the band. Those submissions have now been considered and decisions made.

Re-planning the 1710–2300 MHz Band – Decisions

Revision (15 February 2021)

In the re-planning decisions document, we stipulated that licences for satellite / space operations shared with terrestrial service in the 2025 - 2081.5 MHz band shall operate at a minimum elevation of 10 degrees above the horizon in order to minimise spectrum denial to fixed services. After publishing the decisions document, we were approached by stakeholders who were concerned that this would disproportionately limit their capabilities for tracking satellites.

To provide flexibility for the space industry, we have replaced the 10 degree minimum elevation requirement with an alternative requirement where any satellite earth station’s maximum EIRP towards the horizon shall be less than 27dBW/100KHz. The alternative requirement maintains the same EIRP value towards the horizon as our original assessment on spectrum denial. To be able to meet the 27dBW/100KHz limit while operating lower than 10 degree elevation, satellite / space operations licensees will need to antenna with higher performance than our original assessment. This alternative requirement will not create additional spectrum denial for fixed services sharing the same band. In addition, given the nature of the deployment scenario, there will be limited number of sites in New Zealand where satellite / space operations stations will be licenced.

Although we have provided an alternative requirement to the minimum elevation of 10 degrees, the minimum elevation requirements of ITU Radio Regulation (edition 2020) Articles 21.14 and 21.15, comprising Section IV of Article 21, “Minimum angle of elevation of earth stations”, still apply.

There were twenty-eight submissions received, from telecommunication, space, Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) industries, and government agencies.  After reviewing the submissions, RSM has now determined the future band plan, including the policy and technical requirements. The decisions will take effect from 1 April 2021, once the existing management rights expire.

  • 1785–1805 MHz (“1800 MHz Duplex Gap”)
    The 1800 MHz duplex gap will be allocated to radio microphones. The licence conditions can be found from Radiocommunications Regulations (General User Radio License for Short Range Devices) Notice 2020(external link).
  • 2010–2025 MHz (“Unpaired 2000 MHz Band”)
    RSM has decided to postpone a decision on the band 2010–2025 MHz until there is clarity on international harmonised usage.
  • 2025–2110 MHz/2200–2290 MHz (“Paired 2200 MHz Band”)
    RSM will make the lower portion of the paired 2200 MHz band (2025-2081.5 MHz/2200-2256.5 MHz) available for shared use between space and fixed services.
    The upper portion of the band (2081.5–2110 MHz/2256.5–2290 MHz) will be allocated to SO, EES and SR exclusively.
  • 1980–2010/2170–2200 MHz (“paired 2100 MHz band extension”)
    Considering the range of uses suggested by the submissions, RSM has decided to reserve the band for short-term trial opportunities, pending a later decision about long term allocation.

Re-planning the 1710–2300 MHz Band – Decisions [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Consultation 2020

RSM published a discussion document on replanning 1700-2100 MHz at the end of February 2020.  View the consultation webpage.

Corrigendum to the discussion document (July 2020)

In the discussion document there is an error in section 3.3.2 (figure 1) and in section 3.4 (page 11) with the uplink and downlink bands for space operation in the Paired 2200 MHz band.  2081.5-2110 MHz should be for Earth-to-space and 2256.6-2290 MHz for space-to-Earth, rather than vice versa.