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Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
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Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
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Licensing in New Zealand
Find out which licence you need
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Find out which licence you need
Aeronautical licensing
Amateur radio operator licensing
Citizen Band (CB) / Personal Radio Service (PRS) licensing
Fixed link licensing
Land mobile licensing
Maritime mobile licensing
Radio and television broadcasting licensing
Radio paging licensing
Satellite earth station licensing
Frequencies anyone can use
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Frequencies anyone can use
Aeronautical Purposes GURL
Aeronautical Model Control Short Range Devices GURL
Amateur Radio Operators GURL
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Amateur Radio Operators GURL
Visiting amateur operators
Amateur Radio Operators GUSL
Citizen Band Radio GURL
Cordless Telephones GURL
Emergency Transmitters GURL
Fixed Radio Link Devices GURL
Ground and Wall Probing Radar GURL
Itinerant Differential GPS GURL
Low power FM broadcasting
Maritime Purposes GURL
Maritime UHF On-Board Communications GURL
Radio Microphone Devices GUSL
Satellite Services GURL
Short Range Devices GURL
Tunnel Radio FM Systems GUSL
Ultra Wide Band Devices GURL
Licences you must pay for
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Licences you must pay for
Aircraft licence
Amateur repeater, beacon, or fixed link licence
Broadcasting licences
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Broadcasting licences
Broadcast Licensing Scenarios
Commercial FM sound broadcasting licence
Commercial AM sound broadcasting licence
Television broadcasting licence
Non-commercial AM or FM sound broadcasting Licence
Māori reserved sound broadcasting licence
Fixed location licences
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Fixed location licences
Fixed link licence (paid)
Managed spectrum park licences
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Managed spectrum park licences
Managed Spectrum Park (MSP) application process
Maritime/ship licences
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Maritime/ship licences
Ship licence - voluntary
Maritime coast station licence
Mobile licences
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Mobile licences
Land mobile repeater licence
Land mobile - simplex licence
Radio paging licences
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Radio paging licences
Local area radio paging licence
Wide area radio paging licence (Paid)
Radiodetermination licences
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Radiodetermination licences
Radiodetermination licence (paid)
Regional broadband licences
Satellite licences
Fees for licences and certification
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Fees for licences and certification
Annual licence fees
Guide to engineering certification fees
List of Community and Local Board Areas with associated per-licence resource charge for 3.30 – 3.34 GHz assignment
How do I?
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How do I?
Get a licence
Get a certificate and/or callsign
Confirming a Licence
Pay a licence
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Pay a licence
View client transactions
Pay for a new licence
Renew your licence
Pay pending licence fees
Pay for a modified licence
Add purchase order numbers
Make a payment
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Make a payment
Create an invoice now
Choose a payment option
Cancel a licence
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Cancel a licence
Cancel a radio licence
Cancel a spectrum licence
Modify a licence
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Modify a licence
Modify a radio licence
Modify a spectrum licence
Transfer a licence
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Transfer a licence
Transfer a radio licence
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Transfer a radio licence
Confirm radio licence transfer - Transferee
Withdraw radio licence transfer - Transferor
Decline radio licence transfer - Transferee
Transfer a spectrum licence
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Transfer a spectrum licence
Request transfer - Rightholder only
Request transfer - Rightholder and Manager
Discard a spectrum transfer form
Decline a spectrum transfer
Register or discharge a mortgage
Lodge or withdraw a caveat
Use the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
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Use the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
Report RRF issues and improvements
Search the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
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Search the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)
Search licences
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Search callsigns
Search management rights
Search clients
Search licences to supply radio transmitters
Area Search (Licences) in the RRF
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Extract data from the RRF
Extract fee, invoice and payment data
Extracting licence data
Changing Roles
Become a registered user in the RRF
Onboarding Users
Activate your account
Request an activation code
Update your client record
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Update your client record
Add more users to your client record
Rightholder and manager roles explained
Maintain your logon details
Forgot your password?
Apply to be a direct debit client
Cancel your direct debit
RRF user guides
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RRF user guides
Report RRF issues and improvements
Creating licences
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Creating licences
Create a radio licence
Create a spectrum licence
Confirming a Licence
Modifying licences
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Modifying licences
Modify a radio licence
Modify a spectrum licence
Certificates & callsigns
Add or update a client record
Pay annual licence fees for new or existing licences
Specialised searching
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Specialised searching
Area search
Extracting licence data from the RRF
Training videos
Training videos
Find an engineer or examiner
For engineers, certifiers and examiners
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For engineers, certifiers and examiners
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For engineers, certifiers and examiners
List of engineers, certifiers and examiners
How to become an Approved Radio Engineer or Certifier
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How to become an Approved Radio Engineer or Certifier
Workshops for new ARCs or ARCs wanting to become an ARE
How to become an approved Radio Examiner
Resources for Approved Radio Certifiers and Engineers
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Resources for Approved Radio Certifiers and Engineers
How to create a new client in the RRF
dBW / Watts Converter Page
Spectrum Search Lite
Spectrum Search Lite screenshots
Resources for Approved Radio Examiners
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Resources for Approved Radio Examiners
How to create a new client in the RRF
Silent keys
For business and individuals
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For business and individuals
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For business and individuals
Buying electrical and electronic products in New Zealand
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Buying electrical and electronic products in New Zealand
Find out which licence you need
What to look for when you're buying a product
Buying overseas or online
Buying a drone or remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)
Intelligent transport systems
Mobile phone boosters
Products and equipment you can't use in New Zealand
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Commercial radio services
Television interference
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Television interference
What television interference looks like
What to do about TV reception problems
Radio interference
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Radio interference
What to do about radio interference
What radio interference sounds like
Band expanders in imported vehicles
Compliance information for suppliers
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Compliance information for suppliers
Why compliance matters
Steps to compliance
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Steps to compliance
Step 1: Make sure your product meets the standards
Step 2: Prepare a product description
Step 3: Make a decision about product testing
Step 4: Complete a declaration of conformity for your product
Step 5: Gather your product documentation
Step 6: Become a registered supplier
Step 7: Label your products
Supplier audits
Prohibited equipment in New Zealand
Get a licence to supply radio equipment
Radio product compliance flowchart
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) product compliance flowchart
Compliance information for licence holders
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Compliance information for licence holders
Our compliance programme
Licence compliance requirements
Licence audits
Guidance for wireless internet service providers (WISPs)
Projects and auctions
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Projects and auctions
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Projects and auctions
Current projects
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Current projects
Preparing for 5G in New Zealand
Future use of the 24 - 30 GHz spectrum
Fees review 2025
Completed projects
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Completed projects
Five Year Spectrum Outlook
WLAN use in the 6 GHz Band: Outcomes and Other Updates (August 2022)
1700-2300 MHz Band Planning
Adding new usages to the short range devices GURL
Renewal of management rights in 1800 and 2100 MHz bands
Review of options for 174-230 MHz
Allocation of spectrum at 3.5 GHz for broadband wireless access - round 4
Amendments to the Radiocommunications Regulations 2001
Digital television in New Zealand
Expressions of Interest
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Expressions of Interest
Current expressions of interest
Previous expressions of interest
Managed Spectrum Park
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Managed Spectrum Park
Notification of applications for Managed Spectrum Park licences
Managed Spectrum Park ballot process
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About spectrum auctions
Current and upcoming spectrum auctions
Completed spectrum auctions 1996-present
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Completed spectrum auctions 1996-present
Auction 28
Auction 27
Auction 26
Auction 25
Auction 24
Auction 23
Auction 22
Auction 21
Auction 20
Auction 19
Auction 18
Auction 17
Auction 16
Auction 15
Auction 14
Auction 13a
Auction 13
Auction 12
Auction 11
Auction 10a
Auction 10
Auction 9
Auction 8
Auction 7
Auction 6
Management right for telecommunications purposes (1.7 GHz)
Auction 5
Auction 4
Auction 3
Auction 2
Auction 1
Completed spectrum rights tenders 1989 - 1995
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Our role and objectives
Contact us
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Contact us
Feedback, enquiry and complaints form
Report non-compliance
RRF System Issues and Improvements Reporting Form
Our team
Our legislation
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Our legislation
Statements of Government Policy and Directions
Our work
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Our work
Radio licensing
Spectrum licensing and management rights
General user licences
Public policy spectrum reservations
Our role in the international community
Our history
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Public information brochures (PIBs)
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Public information brochures (PIBs)
Table of Radio Spectrum Usage in New Zealand (PIB 21)
Fixed service bands in New Zealand (PIB 22)
Mobile service bands in New Zealand (PIB 23)
Crown Management Right Band Plans (PIB 24)
Applications and requirements for approved radio engineers and approved certifiers (PIB 34)
Radio Licence Certification Rules (PIB 38)
Spectrum Licence Certification Rules for Crown Management Rights (PIB 39)
Audit Procedures for Engineering Certificates issued by Approved Persons (PIB 40)
Requirements for Approved Radio Examiners (PIB 45)
Radio Operator Certificate and Callsign Rules (PIB 46)
Legal entities for the purposes of the Radiocommunications Act 1989 (PIB 47)
Security of tenure for radio licences transitional plan guidelines (PIB 48)
Power Drive Systems - Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (PIB 49)
Radio Licence Policy Rules (PIB 58)
Policy rules for Crown Spectrum Management Rights (PIB 59)
Operational Satellite Policy (PIB 60)
Chart of radio spectrum allocations in New Zealand
Radio Spectrum Management Compliance Guide
Codes of practice
Spectrum outlook and annual reports
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Spectrum outlook and annual reports
Spectrum Outlook 2023 to 2027
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Spectrum Outlook 2023 to 2027
1. Our spectrum management framework
2. Looking forward – Technologies driving change
3. Looking forward – Trends in spectrum management
4. Upcoming projects 2023 to 2027
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4. Upcoming projects 2023 to 2027
Summary of RSM’s potential work plan
Gazette Notices
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Gazette Notices
Product compliance gazette notices
General User Radio Licence (GURL) notices
Prohibited products and equipment gazette notices
Mutual recognition Gazette notices
Minimum field strength
Finding revoked gazette notices
Aero-FMBC coordination processes
Digital television channel usage table
Electric fence interference check
Radio Frequency Interference Investigation and Resolution Guide
News and updates
Terms of Use
Transparency statement
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Frequently searched
Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)
Electromagnetic compatibility
Level of conformity
Prohibited equipment
For engineers, certifiers and examiners
List of engineers, certifiers and examiners
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