Radio Microphone Devices GUSL

With this licence you can operate radio microphones without the need to get a licence in your own name or pay licence fees.

About this General User Spectrum Licence (GUSL)

The licence you operate under is a General User Spectrum Licence (GUSL). This means that you share the unused channels and spaces in the spectrum with other licensed users — including digital television. You're a secondary user, and need to work around the primary user (eg, digital television).

The frequencies you can use are in the 510-606 MHz and 622-698 MHz bands.

There are also some frequency bands in the General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices that you can use for radio microphones.

Short Range Devices GURL(external link)

Licence numbers

There are 2 licences that cover the UHF band.


$0.00 - there's no fee for a General User Spectrum Licence (GUSL). All fees associated with this licence are paid for by Radio Spectrum Management (RSM).

Your responsibilities

You must follow the technical parameters of the licence, which include operating:

  • within the frequency ranges and bandwidths of 502-606 MHz and 622-698 MHz, and
  • up to the maximum power.

You must not operate in a way that causes interference to other licensed services. If you cause interference to other licensed services, you must stop transmitting.

Your equipment

Your equipment must comply with the relevant radio standards and relevant technical parameters for this licence.

We recommend purchasing equipment that you can use on the widest possible frequency range. This will allow you to work around television and other users. It will also give you flexibility if a gradual increase in television channels affects available frequencies in the future.

Compliance labelling

If you bought your equipment in New Zealand, and it's labelled with an RSM-approved RCM mark or R-NZ label, you can start using it immediately. If it's not labelled with an RCM mark or R-NZ label, go back to your supplier and get New Zealand approved equipment.

If you bought your equipment online or overseas, you may not be able to set it up to operate on New Zealand frequencies. Go back to your supplier and ask for equipment with an approved RCM mark or R-NZ label.