Activate your account

You need to activate your account before you can log on to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

Activation code

An activation code is a unique alphanumeric code. We email this to you to activate your account and allow you to access the RRF.

Activate your account

To activate your account:

  1. Click the activation link in your email. This will take you to the Register of Radio Frequencies landing page.
  2. Login using your RealMe login.
    Refer to Login to the RRF
  3. Tick the check box to accept the terms and conditions. The ‘Onboarding’ screen displays.
  4. Complete the appropriate onboarding process.
    Refer to Onboarding Users and go to the relevant section:
    • see ‘Onboarding – Existing User’ if you previously had a login to the old SMART system.
    • see ‘Onboarding – New user registration’ if you registered as a new user in RRF.  

Pay by direct debit

Should you choose to make payments by direct debit, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF) and login using RealMe.
  2. Click your name or role in the top right of the screen and select My Account. The ‘My User Account’ screen displays.
  3. Click on the client number in the My clients section to view the client record.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Direct Debit Details. The ’Setup Direct Debit’ screen displays.
  6. Enter the following details:
    • Bank Account Name and Bank Account Number.
    • Email Address for Direct Debit Form.
    • Email Address for Correspondence.
  7. Click Save. You return to the ‘My User Account’ screen.
    You will receive an email with a direct debit form attached.
  8. Complete the direct debit form and email or post it back to us (our postal address is on the form).
    You will receive an email from us when the form has been set up by our Finance Dept. Until then, you can pay fees by another option.

We send emails to you when your licence payment is due, so make sure your update your account details if it changes.

Keep your details secure

We recommend you store your RealMe username and password in a safe place for future reference.

Your username and password is unique to you. Don't give it out to anyone. If you employ an approved person to do work on your behalf, they will use their own RealMe login to the RRF.

Your name will display in the top right of screen every time you login to the RRF. If an approved person is working on your behalf, their name will display in the top right of screen.