• Report RRF issues and improvements

    RSM has created user guides to help you with the use of the RRF. If after reading the guides you continue to have an issue, please report it using our online form.

  • Search the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)

    There are various ways to search the RRF, including searching for licences, certificates and callsigns, management rights, clients, and licences to supply radio transmitters.

  • Log in to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF)

    To get a licence, or a radio operator's certificate, you must be a legal entity and a registered user in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • Extract data from the RRF

    You can download your fee, invoice and payment data from the RRF. Only approved RSM users use the Data Extracts function.

  • Changing Roles

    To get a licence, or a radio operator's certificate, you must be a legal entity and a registered user in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • Become a registered user in the RRF

    To get a licence, or a radio operator's certificate, you must be a legal entity and a registered user in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • Onboarding Users

    To get a licence, or a radio operator's certificate, you must be a legal entity and a registered user in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • Activate your account

    You need to activate your account before you can log on to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • Request an activation code

    If you've lost the activation code we sent you to activate your account in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF), you can request another.

  • Update your client record

    You need to update your client record in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF) if any of your details change.

  • Maintain your logon details

    RealMe controls your logion to the Register of Radio Frequencies (the RRF) website.

  • Apply to be a direct debit client

    You can set up a direct debit to pay your annual licence fees. You need to logon to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF) to do this.

  • Cancel your direct debit

    You can cancel your direct debit at any time in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

  • RRF user guides

    These user guides give help on using the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF) to provide licensing and registration services.

  • Training videos

    Step by step training videos to help you use the new Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).